Vol. 2 (2022): SPECIAL ISSUE: Sustainability of Design, Public Transport, & Engineering

					View Vol. 2 (2022): SPECIAL ISSUE: Sustainability of Design, Public Transport, &  Engineering

Design is essential to address social, economic and environmental challenges faced by societies around the world. Designing appropriate solutions is imperative to contribute towards dignity, inclusivity, health, well-being and sustainable development of high-, middle- and low-income societies, of children, adults and the elderly and of those living in rural, urban and remote areas. In essence, designing sustainable solutions is crucial to support development of all individuals and communities across the globe and to contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The process of designing such solutions, which can manifest in the form of products, services and product–service systems (PSS), provides maximum scope to influence their technological, functional, aesthetic, ergonomic and many other attributes, with a profound impact on their social, economic and environmental qualities. Therefore, to support design and development of sustainable products, services and PSS, it is important to understand their design process and develop related models and theories. It is also crucial to develop and evaluate design methods and tools to support individuals, companies and organisations in designing sustainable products, services and PSS.

For this Special Issue titled “Sustainability of Design, Public Transport, & Engineering”, we invite the submission of articles that foster discussion on the design and development of products, services and PSS that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. We welcome papers that consider integrated models of sustainability, as well as work that reflects on the often overlooked ‘softer’ dimension of social sustainability.

Published: 2022-12-03
